To ask that companies in such capital-intensive industries as oil exploration be swayed by the political whims of their home government would rock business confidence. 要求本国政府用经常是随心所欲的政策决策左右石油勘探等资本密集型行业的公司,那就会动摇商界信心。
In the traditional Confucian view of society, power relationships in the state are mirrored by those in the family; gu ǎ n appears just as often in the home as in government. 用传统的儒家的社会观点来看,国家的权力关系也反映在家庭中,管这个词出现在家庭中的几率也很频繁。
Why are they the planet's masters of verbal diplomacy, but still so inept at home government? 他们为什么是外交辞令的佼佼者,却仍拙于国内政治?
As part of the Kingdom of Denmark, Greenland, Denmark's presence on behalf of its authority to Denmark as the Greenland Home Rule Government and the transfer of power significantly reduced. 作为丹麦王国的一部分,丹麦派驻格陵兰的代表其权限随着丹麦向格陵兰自治政府移交权力而大大减少。
Then the crown colonies, in which the rule of the British home government verged on autocracy, as in ceylon, Trinidad and fiji, and Gibraltar and St helena. 再后面是英国政府直辖殖民地,在这些殖民地,英国本国政府的统治简直是专制,譬如锡兰、特立尼达,斐济、直布罗陀和圣赫勒拿。
I think our government needs to stand up to the corporate model and clean up its own mess at home, before telling another government how to run their home. 我想,在对别的政府指手划脚之前,我们的政府需要站出来与商业模式较量,收拾国内的烂摊子。
It is important that a home buyer should be given government grants especially if it is the first time. 这是非常重要的,政府应给予补助置业尤其如果是第一次。
Then there is the demolition of houses if you want to build a home, the government just comes and knocks it down. 此外还有房屋的拆毁如果你想盖房,政府就会来拆掉它。
Japan has suspended its annual whale hunt in the Antarctic for now after a hardline anti-whaling group gave chase to its mother ship and it may call the fleet back home, a government official said. 日本政府正式宣布:就之前“反对捕鲸组织”对其母舰一系列疯狂的追赶行为,政府已经决定暂停其在年度南极捕鲸计划,并将召回这些母舰。
He was recalled home by his government. 他被政府召回国了。
On the peak, once home to colonial government mandarins, prices had the sharpest decline since the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. 太平山顶曾是殖民政府官员的大本营,如今那里的价格创下了1997-98年亚洲金融危机以来的最大跌幅。
Mean first that knits the fabric made in your home of noble and government official of some places in Shandong, because feeling and appearance are similar to silk, so call the poplin. 最早指山东一些地方贵族和官吏府上织制的织物,因手感和外观类似于丝绸,故称府绸。
Some students are supported by their home university or government. 一些学生是由其原来就读的学校和祖国本地政府资助的。
"People will not return unless the [ home] government improves working conditions," Plaza said. “除非(祖籍国)政府能够改善工作条件,否则人们是不会回国的,”Plaza说。
Some students are supported by their home university or government. A small number receive support from the United States government. 有些学生是由当地的大学或政府提供优质服务帮助的,一小部分从美国政府那得到援助。
G. K. Pillai, home secretary, said the government was sending notices to the two Internet companies asking them to set up servers in India so that Indian intelligence agencies can monitor e-mail and chat conversations on their systems. 印度内政部长皮莱(g.k.pillai)称,印度政府已向这两家互联网公司发出通知,要求他们在印度设立服务器,使得印度情报机构得以监控它们系统上的电子邮件和聊天记录。
We would like to thank the UGC, the Home Affairs Bureau and the Government Property Agency for backing our visual arts and creative education projects. 我们非常感谢大学教育资助委员会、民政事务局和政府产业署对浸大推广视觉艺术和创意文化计划的支持。
Washington is home to thousands of government officials. 华盛顿是上千政府官员所在地。
The biggest driver of home ownership has been implicit government subsidies. 使居民能够拥有住房的最大因素是隐性政府补贴。
An interior ministry ( sometimes ministry of home affairs) is a government ministry typically responsible for policing, national security, and immigration matters. 内政部是负责警务、国家安全和移民问题的国家政府部门。
Not even in those days did the home government accept that excuse. 当时连政府都觉得这个借口难以接受。
But at the same time, the American debate over how to finance home ownership with less government support must recognise that countries recycling their current account surpluses are nervous. 但与此同时,美国关于如何在减少政府支持的情况下为住房融资的辩论必须认识到,使用本国经常账户盈余进行投资的国家目前深感不安。
Instead the Bank of England will "create" more money on its balance sheet, then use this to buy banks'assets such as home loans and government bonds, thereby pumping extra cash into the system. 相反英国央行会“制造”更多的货币来平衡资产,通过为银行体系注入额外现金来购买房贷,国债等银行资产。
We should arrange the orders and choose the paths appropriately according to China's initial economic situation, political and economic circumstances at home and abroad, government competence and its social trust degree. 根据我国初始经济条件、国际国内政治环境和经济形势、政府能力和政府的社会信任度,我国金融开放应做出适合自己的次序安排和路径选择。
The attractive developing trend has aroused both academia at home and abroad and government departments to attach great importance. 这种极其令人醒目的发展态势,引起了国内外学术界和各国政府部门的高度重视。
Through to the research of financing from home to abroad government, comparative analysis, find that ABS is the current way for xx city, and design the ABS proposal for city mass transit. 通过对国内外政府融资的研究、比较分析,得出适合目前该市政府融资的方式&ABS融资,并以该市轨道交通为实例进行ABS融资方案设计。
In fact, the home research on government investment mainly focuses on how to expand domestic demand which belongs to the efficiency problem. But the research on promoting the goal of equalization of basic public services is not enough. 事实上,国内对政府投资的研究更多地从如何更好地实现扩大内需保增长这个效率层面来展开的,而较少从如何更好地促进基本公共服务均等化这个公平目标来展开。